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quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012

How can news orgs attract young readers through social media?

Como organizações de notícias podem atrair jovens leitores através das mídias sociais? Veja o texto e o vídeo abaixo, de Hannah Vinter, da WAN-IFRA (Associação Mundial de Jornais e Editores de Notícias)
Print circulation dropping, print advertising revenues down… In the current climate many newspaper companies are struggling just to survive.
Yet difficult as it is to break even, in itself it’s not enough. To have a future, media companies can’t simply find ways to slow the decline of their old print readership, they have to actively go out and find new young readers who will sustain their content in the days to come.
Inevitably, this means that newspapers must make sure that they have to make sure that they are where young people can find them: they must have strong coverage on social media.
But as traditional organizations strengthen their social media presence, many don’t know how to adapt to the new platform. Some assume that generating a young following on social media means being informal and chatty. Here's a case about how trying to generate an informal conversation on Twitter can backfire if you get the tone wrong:
Rather than patronizing young readers on Twitter and Facebook, the key to success can be creating an authentic voice that young readers will trust and engage with. A leader in this area is Economist:
But, without dumbing down or seeming inauthentic, how can news organizations make sure that their efforts on social media really do increase their young readership? Some interesting answers to this question come from the Guardian, whose social media strategy shows the importance of simply being in the right place at the right time:
We’ve seen how important it is for news organsiations not to come across as fake or to water down their coverage on social media if they want to win the respect of the next generation of readers. But does that mean that they shouldn’t adapt their coverage to social platforms at all? Inevitably, the answer is no. News coverage can be crafted for Twitter in an intelligent and interesting way, as the following example from the BBC demonstrates:
Fonte: WAN-IFRA 07/03/2012

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